The seniors took on Emmet Og in the championship quarter finals on Sunday last. It truly was a game of two halves as we dominated the first half with some fine team play. We led by four points at half time and were in control of the game. However an early second half penalty for Killoe turned the game on it’s head and the balance of power swung against us. In the end some determination salvaged a draw from what could have easily been defeat. The final score was 0-12 to 1-09. The replay will be played next Saturday at 7.15pm in Pearse Park
The U16 team will play St. Vincents in the B championship semi final on Thursday 18th August in Monaduff at 7.15pm.
Please note that the sponsored climb of Croagh Patrick, scheduled to take place next weekend, has been postponed. It will be rescheduled for a weekend in September. More details will be available closer to the time.
The lotto jackpot is now very close to €10,000. This is a magnificent prize by any standard. Envelops are available from all the usual outlets and from executive members. Yearly lotto subscriptions are also available by contacting John Reilly.