
Colmcille GFC notes week beginning 08/02/10

November 8, 2018

There will be a presentation to Player of the Year (Paul Mc Keon) and Club Person of the Year (jointly The Reilly Family, Cornadrung and Nellie Gormley) on Feb 20th in Joe Murtagh’s lounge, with music and a buffet for all Lotto Sellers in appreciation of their efforts.


Anyone interested in taking part in Senior Scor can contact John Reilly on 085 7322857

Defibrillator training is starting this week. There are a limited number of places available. Anyone wishing to participate should contact John Reilly.

A reminder that membership fees are due and must be paid by 15th February.  The fees are payable to John Flanagan or Cathal Hawkins.

A minor club meeting will take place in the club meeting room on Wednesday 10th February at 8pm. All are welcome.



There was no winner of the January 31st Lotto Draw (1, 8, 14, 22) of €2400. Lucky Dip winners were Declan Reilly, Smear Hill, Matty Murtagh, Fostra, Fiona Noble, Pulladoey, Pete Mc Nerney. 

The Caherly Family, Killoe were the winners of the January Monthly Draw of €100        

Next week’s lotto draw takes place in Reilly’s and team 7 are on duty: Mary Denneny, Emer Donohoe, Trisha Hourican, Paul Kennedy Snr, Tommy Reilly, Noelle Ward