A massive credit must go to all involved, a huge amount of effort goes into competing and winning a competition of this high standard. Many thanks also to everyone who made the trip to Three MileHouse, Monaghan.
Dromintee are the only club in county Armagh to go through to the finals!
Tickets for the All Ireland are 22euro each and need to be ordered by this Friday 2nd April. Please note that tickets are non-refundable and must be paid for if ordered. Contact Ciara on Mobile: 07980294701 by Friday if you would like a ticket ordered. All Ireland is in Gleneagles Hotel Killarney on Sat 24th April.
The dancers who will represent your club, county and province in the All-Ireland Final in Killarney: Edel Garvey, Paula-Ann Toner, Danielle Lynch, Ciara McCoy, Seamus Fearon, Micheál Fearon, Tony Fearon and Turlough O’Neill.