Coolaney/MullinabreenaGAA Notes December 19th 2011
Seasons Greetings:
The club take this opportunity towish all our members, home and abroad, our sponsors and all the volunteers whowork so hard to keep the club alive a very happy Christmas and a peacefulNew Year.
AGM Report:
A small attendance turned out for theclub AGM on December 10th last at the CoachHall, Rathbarron Coolaney. The minutes of the 2010 AGM were adopted andSecretary Leo Coleman gave his detailed report for the year covering allaspects of club business. He stressed thenecessity for the club to do more in relation to the decline of the number ofchildren from coolaney participating in our games. Sympathy was extended to all those bereaved in the club in thepast year. Outgoing Treasurer Shane O’Brien gave a comprehensive financialreport for 2011. Brendan Kivlehanfollowed with his chairman’s address in which he commended the excellent workbeing carried out on and off the field by all officers and coaches. He thankedShane O’brien for his unstinting service over the last five years as treasurer.He noted the fine achievement of theintermediate team capturing the Intermediate Championship for the 2nd timein the clubs history. He stressed the importance of building on thisprogress in the New Year.
ExecutiveCommittee 2012:
President: Walter Kivlehan,Chairman: Brendan Kivlehan, Assistant Chairman: John Marren,
Secretary: Leo coleman,PRO: Oliver Lee, Treasurer: Tba, Ass Secretary: Paul Kivlehan,
Registrar: Leo Coleman, CoachingOfficer: Eamonn Gorman, County board delegate: Eugene Henry, Childrens Officer:Helen Gannon, Cultural officer: Hillary Brennan, Insuranceofficer: Brendan Kivlehan, IT Officer: David Hosey.
Coaches2012 :
U-12: Gerry Mullen, Micheal Gorman,U-14: Frank Gilmartin, Eamonn Gorman,
U-16: Bernie Finan, Minor: Leo Coleman,Denis Gormalley
U-20: Eamonn Gorman, Christy Davey,Senior: Denis Gormalley, Brendan Kivlehan.
Thanks to all who attended the tablequiz last Saturday night in the Knocknashee Inn. The proceeds go
towards the player’s training fund.Thanks also to all who sponsored prizes on the night.
St. Nathy’s:
Well done to the St. Nathy’s ladiesclub on their recent club recognition award.