Coolaney/MullinabreenaGAA Notes December 12th.
Christmas Quiz:
The club is organising a table quiz on December 17th in the KnocknasheeInn at 9pm. Great prizes on the night along with raffle. This is part of theplayer’s training fund and we appeal for your support.
There was a small attendance at the club’s AGM last Saturday inCoolaney. Full report to follow next week.
Lotto Draw:
The Coolaney/Mullinabreena GAA Club Lotto draw was held recently. The numbersdrawn were 7, 9, 22 and 27. There was no Jackpot winner. Congrats to Tommy& Rosaleen Johnston who win the €200 monthly prize. The Jackpot now standsat €4800. Thanks to all our club lotto members.