
Cooley Kickhams

November 8, 2018

Dancing classes will begin in February in the Cooley Kickhams function room. All are welcome, the young, not as young, novices, experienced, singles, couples so come along and learn the foxtrot, jiving and how to do the waltz. Please contact Alo(0879574665) or Nicholas(0878532775) and register for these upcoming classes. Don’t be shy and make the call it gaurentees to be fun filled and stand you in good stead for future functions. 
 The Club Lotto has been revamped over the festive season and when the present jackpot is won it will begin with a jackpot of € 5,000 and rise by € 200 on a weekly basis.So if your not in you can’t win, play Club lotto with any committee member or online at or it’s that easy. 

Club membership  is due for the coming season and the closing date is the 31st of March 2010 so as a reminder to all outgoing or perspective new members please contact a member of the committee or log on to the above addresses.
Club Gym is now open to all members from Monday through Saturday from 9.00am – 9.00pm each day so why not avail of this wonderful facility and shed those few extra pounds that you may have inherited over the festive season. Just make the call to 0429376602 and arrange with Alo or Nicholas to get back in shape for the new season. Yes you can go get fit and still watch your favourite programmes on the TV or listen to your choice music while enjoying the friendly atmosphere. Have a sauna and yes the friendly Alo & Nicholas won’t let you go home without a cup of your favourite refreshment