Numbers: 2, 7, 21, 22
No Jackpot Winner
No 3 Number Winner
5 x €20 Lucky Dip Winners: Thomas Connolly, Susan Kelly, Roisin Mulligan, Cormack Mc Kevitt and Elsie O”Hanlon
Next weeks jackpot is €7,200
Draw takes place on 31/07/13 at 7pm in Howes Bar.
Thank you for your continued support.
CUL CAMP: Closing date for online applications is tomorrow (Friday 26th at 12pm). Camp starts on Monday 29th.
La na gClub takes place on Sunday 28th from 2 to 4pm at the field. BBQ and lots of fun and games for all the family.
Car Boot Market continues on Sunday from 10am to 4pm at the pier, Omeath. Cars are €10
Donkey Derby: The Cornamucklagh Donkey Derby takes place on 2nd to 4th of August. we have been asked to provide stewards & collectors for Saturday and Sunday between 12 and 6pm. If you can spare an hour or two, please contact Mattie on 0879917373
Under 7’s blitz on Sunday 28th in Sean O Mahony’s at 11am
Under 9’s blitz on Monday 29th in St. Patricks at 7pm
Under 16’s match at home on 29th v Glem Emmets at 8pm
Under 18’s match away on 31st v Oliver Plunketts at 8pm
Under 14’s match away on 31st v Dreadnots at 8pm
Under 10’s – are competeing in a tournament on Saturday 03/08 in Ballyholland. Time TBC
Under 12’s – well done to our Under 12’s who recorded a comfortable win away on Friday night.
Under 8’s – Well done to our Under 8’s who took part in a blitz on Sunday in Castlebellingham.
Under 10’s – Well done to our Under 10’s who played some great football at home v Sean O’Mahony’s and Dowdallshill
Under 16’s – Hard luck to the lads who suffered at the hands of the Dreadnots last night.