
Cuchulainn Gaels Club News

November 7, 2018

Cuchulainn Gaels Lotto Results 02/01/2013

Numbers: 6, 10, 12, 23

No Jackpot Winner

2 x 3 Number Winners Share €100: Mc Cabe Family & Peter Woods

Jackpot Next Week is €4,300

Thank you for your continued support!!

Don’t forget if you are not in you can’t win!!

Cuchulainn Gaels News

If anybody is interested in getting involved in underage coaching this year, can you let Susan Brennan on 0876198581 or email

We will be holding a finance meeting on Tuesday evening at 9pm in the meeting room in The Granvue. Everyone is welcome, if you can’t make it and you have some ideas for fundraising, contact Mattie on 0879917373 or email

It is also that time of year again, registration is now due for the forthcoming playing season. All players (adult & juvenile) must be paid up in full or else they will not be covered by insurance. €20 for juvenile players/membership, €30 adult/players membership or €80 for family membership (max two adults)

As of 01/01/2013 it is compulsory for all juvenile players up to minor level to wear mouth guards/gum shields for both training and matches.