Numbers: 10, 19, 23, 30
No Jackpot Winner
2 x Three Number Winners: Elsie O’Hanlon & Annie Mc Guigan
Next Weeks Jackpot is €5,500
Draw takes place at 7pm in The Granvue on 03/04/2013
Thank you for your continued support!
Thursday 4th of April 2013 will be a massive day for the Club. Our Under 8’s team will take the field in Croke Park as part of the GAA’s Croke Park Play and Stay Day.
All kids who are 6 years and older (at 01/01/13) are eligible to play. There is a bus organised to go to Croke Park, so we would urge all parents and players to attend. Please let Mark Sharkey know if you would like to go. 087-9646927
There will be no U8’s training this Saturday as the weather is too bad.
U12’s training Monday evenings at 6.15pm at the pitch.
U14’s training will take place on Saturday morning at 10am at the pitch
U16’s training will take place on Sunday at 12pm at the field.
Men’s and ladies training is ongoing, please see Facebook for more up to date information.
U14’s 1st League match is due to take place on 03/04/13 v O’Raghallaighs in Omeath. Time TBC
Men’s 1st League Match is fixed for 16/04/13 at home v Dundalk Young Irelands.
Reminder to all coaches that the Foundation Level Coaching Course will take place on Saturday April 6th. It is mandatory for all coaches.
Reminder that registration is now due also, all players must pay the registration or they will NOT be covered by insurance. Fees are €20 foe juveniles, €30 for adults and €80 for families. Contact Club Registrar Mark Sharkey for more information.
If anyone would like to order and Club gear, please contact Mattie on 087-9917373. We have a full range of gear that can be ordered.