Edenderry GAA is proud to announce the launch of its Coaching Nursery Programme called ‘Cúl Redz’.
The aim of the ‘Cúl Redz’ Nursery Programme is to introduce young boys and girls to Gaelic Football & Edenderry GAA Club in general and to develop their basic fundamental Gaelic Football skills along with their basic fundamental movement skills in FUN & FRIENDLY environment.
This is the first time the club will embark on such an extensive coaching programme and aims to implement best practices in GAA Coaching.
This programme will replace the existing U8 Boys and Girls coaching that takes place during the week at various times and venues. Our aim is to provide the coaching to large numbers at our own GAA Grounds on the Carrick Road every Saturday 10.30am to 12.00 Noon throughout the Summer months.
The coaching will be provided by our own trained coaches with assistance from the County Games Manager Alan Mulhall.
All Children boys and girls aged 5 – 8 are welcome to attend, we particularly wish to encourage children and families new to GAA to come and try out our games. Refreshments and a warm welcome will be provided to all those that attend. Looking forward to seeing you there on our first Saturday 4th of June. For more information check out our website www.edenderrygaa.com or email culredz@gmail.com