Hello Sportsworld club members.
Below is a link for a Sportsworld discount entry for the Crusaders Docklands 5k in the city centre on Thursday June 28th at 7.30pm. The discount entry for this race is €16.
To enter just click on the link above, select the number of entries you want and then log in with your email address and password. Number collection is the normal process on the day.
For more information on the race please go to the website www.docklands5km.com
You are receiving this email because:
A. You are a registered club member after paying your 2018 fees. Thank you! Race discounts are only made available to registered club members.
B. All future club discounts for races will be through the myclubfinances system to avoid handling large amounts of cash and messy lists in the club house. It's a much simpler system for both club members and those on the committee that had to handle the cash.
Best of luck!
The Sportsworld Committee