Pictured here are Sally Duggan on the behalf of St Patrick's Gaa lotto committee presenting a cheque of €500 to Jimmy Gleeson chairperson of Drangan Tidy towns committee and Nicholas Moroney chairperson of St. Patrick's Gaa club presenting Alan Britton of Cloneen tidy towns committee with their cheque of €500.
As a gesture of good will for the support the St. Patrick's gaa club lotto receives from the wider community in our parish the St. Patrick's club each year gives a donation back to the community. This year the club donates €1000 each to the two local community centres in our parish and also €500 each to the the tidy town committees in Drangan and Cloneen. The committees of the local halls and the tidy town committees of Drangan and Cloneen do the people of Drangan and Cloneen a huge service by the work they do.
Your work is much appreciated!