Our seniors defeatedHolycross Ballycahill in Boherlahan on Saturday last with a good victory. Theyare now into a mid quarter final which will be decided this weekend. They faceLoughmore in the Cahill cup in Castleiney on Sunday morning at 12noon.
Membership is now OVERDUEfor ALL players and non players. There is now a list of all paid up players inthe dressing room. Adult Players €50, Students €30, Non-playing adults €30,Minors & Juveniles €10. Membership can be given to Therese Fahey, BrianCostello, Pat Egan or Trevor Hassett.
Minor Football
Our minor footballersplay their semi final against Upperchurch Drombane on Wednesday in Drombane at7pm.
Junior A & B:
Training continues forJunior A & B team in the Ragg on Tuesday evening at 7.30pm sharp.
County Board Draw
The county board drawis currently due and promotors will be around to existing members in the next coupleof weeks as the first draw is the end of the month. We would like to encouragenew members to join as it is a big source of finance for the club whilst alsogives the entrant numerous ways to win fantastic prizes. If you would like tojoin contact any club committee member or Ambrose Purcell.
U6’s,U8’s & U10’s
This Saturday there will be training for Under6’s,Under 8’s & Under 10’s at 10.30amin the Ragg.
Our under 10’s competed in a blitz held inthe Ragg last Saturday morning which included Kilruane, Holycross andMoneygall. It was a great morning’s hurling and I’m sure that there were somebudding stars in the making on show and some future Tipperary hurlers.
Our Under 9’s hosted Kilmacud Crokes onSunday morning and play four matches against them. We would like to thank allthe parents who brought sandwiches and cakes on the day. We thank Kilmacud forthe matches which were thoroughly enjoyed by all the players. We would alsolike to thank Paudie Butler who gave both teams a terrific coaching session.
The under 12s play Upperchurch in theirFootball Mid Semi Final in Littleton on Wednesday evening 11th May at 6:45pmsharp.
The under 14s play their last round of thefootball league against Moycarkey on Thursday evening 12th May at 7pm inLittleton also.
Well done to the under 16s who convincinglywon their football mid semi final against Gortnahoe on a score line of 5.12 to1.2. They now go onto face Durlas Og in the mid final next Monday evening 16thMay provisionally fixed for Drombane however time and venue is to beconfirmed.