Minors & Seniors County Finals. Minors start proceedings with a
throw in at 2pm against COROFIN with senior at 4pm v TUAM STARS, We’re
hoping to have the successful U16 team parade & wave between the 2 matches
[yet to be confirmed….David Burke is on it..] while the U12 footballers
will play go-games v Tuam at half time.
TG4 will be broadcasting live from 3pm so…. please encourage all your
juvenile players and yourselves to wear your club colours & bring a flag.
Flags available at Aras……. as is Bunting.
passes for U16s are being distributed through the schools this
week., sponsored by Nestors and at targeted training sessions generally
nursery up to U12. Remind all teenagers [U16] that entry is free.
league final on Saturday morning.Hard luck to juvenile hurlers in their
finals, and to u15s in league. The u11 are back from Crossmaglen and we
await an edited version of the craic!
Quackers duck race , assisted marvelously by Karina O’Grady-Corcoran. His
Friday interview with KEITH FINNEGAN on Galway Bay was a real cracker.
Sunday’s weather was brilliant, Peter helped by Brian Muldoon and Tom
Corcoran got the canal bedecked in Skyblue and there was a fantastic turnout
from all codes, as well as some supporting councillors,and a good
representation form exec, managers and coaches. Thanks also to Anthony
Donelan and Eileen Callanan for manning the Duck station, to Prionisias Kitt
for his canal side compering and to Mickey McDonagh in canoe for keeping
them all in line & upstream.Niall Breen has great photos loaded onto Club
u14 player Dylan Halloran won weekend away, Marie Lally won station House
Hotel, Isbeal Mcgee with players at u15, u14 Jun ladies and U9 won white
Gables voucher, Wards Hotel won business duck prize, hurling Coach Donal
McGuinness got Quackers Trophy for fastest manager, while Lame Duck award
for slowest of all went to Mike & Aisling Howe. Numerous spots went scooped
out by senior footballers present. most of which were appreciated though
Senior footballer Kevin Conlon baulked at his Avalon Beauty Treatment
Monroes Tavern handed out copious tea, coffee, sausages, chicken wings,
crisps, drinks, won tons, chips and loaded skins..