Ballina GAA and Parish Lotto Build Up: As you know, our Jackpot figure now stands at €10,600. A Build Up Jackpot is now underway and presently stands at €2,800. As long as the main Jackpot is not won, each Jackpot figure will receive the €200 bonus every second week.
All Ireland Hurling Final; Draw for tickets for the Hurling Final will be held in the Complex
on Tues 28th of Aug @ 9.00pm for paid up members of the club. Members who want to
be included in the draw, should submit their names to John Gleeson club Sec. by next
weekend at the latest. Only paid up members present at the draw, on the night, will be
entitled to acquire tickets
Squash Club; Membership is now open for the New Squash season, with nights beginning
to get longer Squash is the ideal game to keep in shape and maintain fitness
over the Winter period. Details can be obtained from John Healy.
Fridays in Ballina: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10.30am to 5pm. Midday Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile with us?
Parish Office: The Parish Office will be closed until September. All enquires to Fr. Ted or Fr. Enda on 087 2262636 or 087 6704358.
Ballina Tidy Towns: Weekly tidy up every Wednesday evening for one hour. Meet at Gooser’s Car Park at 7pm. Environmental Award Nominations coming soon. Environmental Award nominations have now commenced. To nominate a deserving Business Front, Floral Display, Front Garden or Community Area, please send details by text/phone to 087 638 7653 or e-mail
Milford Hospice Harvest Fair: The 25th Annual Milford Hospice Harvest Fair is scheduled to take place on Sunday, August 29th, 2010. The Fair will take place once again near the Unigolf facility, located with a 10 minute walk from Milford Hospice. The Harvest Fair Committee once again appeals for your support in donating goods. For further details, please contact the Fundraising Office on 061 485860.