
Golf Classic a great success

November 8, 2018

A big thank you to Stevie and Paul for organising and running the very successful club golf day on Friday which I am told raised in the region of 3.5K plus bar income which is a great and much needed boost to our club funds.

Thanks also to the committee members who made the effort to target and collect hole sponsorship from local businesses. Could I ask you to please try and get any outstanding money in this week as sometimes we have a habit of letting this kind of thing slip and then it becomes too late to collect.

Thanks also to club members and their friends who paid hard cash to take part in the competition and a special word of thanks to Mickey Keown and his helpers who did a great job in the kitchen preparing the steak meals which went down a treat.

Once again thanks to all involved and could I ask you to forward on with my thanks to anyone you know who entered  a team sponsored a hole or helped out in any way.


As in all our fund raising efforts nobody in the club receives any payment of any kind and all money raised is invested in improving club facilities.

