There was a great turnout at the Table Quiz held in Moran’s, Hill-Of-Down on Saturday 21st. There were a total of 18 tables in all. Every seat in the place was taken and indeed extra seats had to be brought in.
The proceedings started at 10 and were all completed before 12. The eventual winners were at table 3: Derek Anderson, Audrey Marshall, Alan Farrell and Siobhan Seery. There were also two subs waiting to be sprung from the bench if they were needed: Louise Farrell and Pat Gorman!! Congratulations to them and a big thank you for returning the prize money of €200 to the club. It will be put to good use.
Many thanks to all those that contributed spot prizes for the raffle and to those to made all the sandwiches. Also thanks to Morans for use of the premises. Without these contributions it would not be possible to hold such events.