Sarsfields held a fun run on Sunday and despite the weather threatening to put a dampener on the event, it turned out to be a great success. The rain clouds passed over just before the start and conditions were fairly good and at worse could have been described as brisk. There was a great turnout from the local community and it was particularly pleasing to have a good number of visitors from the surrounding areas of Lurgan, Craigavon and Portadown. In total over 150 people took part in the walk and in the 5k or 10k runs. This was mostly about taking part and having fun but there was a fair bit of friendly rivalry and a good bit of interest in posting a decent time and of course for some it was just about survival. The finishers were treated to hot soup, tea and snacks by our hard working volunteers and the participants commented that this had been a very well-run event. Club chairman Declan McAlinden presented the prizes. He told the crowd that he was delighted to see a great turnout both from our local community and from outside the area. He suggested that the participants could consider supporting the St. Paul’s GFC Fun Run on Sat 02 Nov or the Tir na nÓg Fun Run on Sun 03 Nov.
The results were as follows
10k Men
1- Sean Murphy
2- Ruairi Blaney
3- James McAlinden
10k Ladies
1- Eileen Stevenson
2- Lisa Mulholland
2- Nuala Lemmon
5k Men
1- Peter Murray
2- Kevin McAlinden
3- Michael Austin
5k Ladies
1- Kate Mulholland
2- Emma Mulholland
3- Anna Murphy
Great Rampart Fun Run
November 7, 2018