* Well there goes 2013! Was it a year to remember or a yearto forget? For many clubs a year can be measured by the number of trophies youwon. When you win a clatter of things then invariably that defines your year assuccess. There is never a bad year. Yes you may win finals – for us the Camogssuccess in winning the championship, the Ladies Footballers double, the PremiereReserve Championship Final success and the multiple trophies won at the Feis.You learn in those wins that you can win and you are capable of it. In defeatwhich the senior footballers, our minors, Under 16 boys and girls Footballersand the Under 14 Hurlers experienced that bitter pill. It goes without sayingyou should learn more in defeat. Whilst trophies are the icing on the cakesuccess can be measured in many different ways. We had the our Activ8 programmeat the beginning of the year which brought people in the community together fororganised activities and to be part of something as well as becoming newmembers to our club. The Juvenile Sponsored Walk in aid of Club funds and theSports day were fantastic events. all the children and parents who were theregot fantastic conditions for the walk up around the Forest Park and the lake.The sports day had children’s’ races, penalty kick/penalty pucks, tug of warand sack races. Two successful days that was reminiscent of bygone days in theold meadow and the strong family theme. The success of Castlewellan GAC DoesStrictly and the work those individuals did to make it a success. They will allsay it has left a void to fill in the long winter evenings now that there is noCha Cha Cha or Argentinean Tango! The hilarious and side splitting Mrs B’s Boysserved a reminder of the talented actors & comedians we have in our midst.Again their contributions since the summer right through to just beforeChristmas has been unquestionable and if you talk to them certainly enjoyable.And it the end what was it all for? We play huge role within our community. Theabove is just a small taste of it all and what goes on. In 2014 we willcontinue the theme of volunteerism and providing within and without ourcommunity. Everyone should feel free to come along and contribute in what waythey can. We all have something to give. Finally last but by no means least weremember those members and friends who have gone to their eternal rest thisyear and their contribution which served our community so well. We hope thefamilies will take comfort in the memory of their loved ones and the goodthings they done.
* The annual Christmas Cracker run by Newcastle AC whichcompleted its 30th year proved a most successful venture once again.Thank you to all the club volunteers who helped out on the day around the Club.You contribution is much appreciated.
* The numbers for22 December were lotto were 03, 06, 10 & 25. There were no jackpot and no£20 winners this week. Next week’s Jackpot is £5400 for 29 December 2013.