Jointhe lotto for Xmas.
This is a personal appeal from the Club for your support.
As the old saying goes “if your not in you cant win”.
If you are in ignore this little note.
Give the club a small Xmas present and also a fund injection so that the good work can be carried on, by doing your lotto on-line if you cannot do it locally…
Don’t put it on the long finger anymore and get those laptop keys tapping.
All contributions are appreciated and no matter how short the period, you can renew at any time.
As the club would hope to see more of our supporters play online in the future, we would ask you to spread the word to all your contacts whether on-line, mobile or i-phone, and facebook, so that we can maximize the financial support to the club.
And thanks again. A Happy Xmas and New Year to all .
St.Senan’s Gaa