On behalf of the club we would like to wish all our players, officals, members & Supporters a prosperous 2012 both on & off the field.
The AGM of Knockavilla Donaskeigh Kickhams GAA Club was held in the clubrooms on Friday the 16th of December.
Officers Elected: Chairman Tommy Hayes,Vice Chairman Pat McCormack, Secretary Helen Ryan, Treasurer Richard Moloney, PRO Sean Breen.Membership Margaret Hayes & Michael Shannahan.
Team Managers, Senior Hurling Paul Ryan, Intermediate Football Tommy Landers, Junior A & B Hurling Aiden Slattery, U21 Hurling & Football Vincent Kelly, Minor Hurling & Football Timmy Byrnes.
Keep up to date with club happenings on our website www.kdkickhams.tipperary.gaa.ie
Kickham gearbags now in stock.
Kickham Gear bags, togs and socks are available in all sizes from juvenile to adult and can be purchased from Sean Breen at 062-71131 /
087 -2646441 or Paddy Fitzgerald @ 087-9370958.
Walkie Talkies walking group;
For anyone interested in walking in a group, the revival of this walking group may be of interest. every Tuesday, this group will meet at 7.30pm sharp in the Coillte car park in Bishopswood to walk through the woods on a designated walk. All that is needed is a hi vis vest and a flashlight.
Badminton continues for the winter months in the Scout Centre Dundrumevery Monday and Thursday night until May. It’s a great way to have fun, meet new friends and keep fit at the same time. So come along on Monday and Thursday nights from 8pm. All are welcome.