The AGM of Knockavilla Donaskeigh Kickhams GAA Club will be held in the clubrooms on Friday the 16th of December @ 8.15pm.Nomination forms are being posted to all members this week.
Best wishes to club representative’s at upcoming West Convention.
Keep up to date with club happenings on our website
Kickham gearbags now in stock.
Kickham Gear bags, togs and socks are available in all sizes from juvenile to adult and can be purchased from Sean Breen at 062-71131 /087 -2646441 or Paddy Fitzgerald @ 087-9370958.
Knockavilla Community Council notes
With the long winter nights now on top of us, it is worth keeping in mind the importance of Community Alert. The importance of being vigilant in our community cannot be underestimated. Also, especially at this time of year it is important to regularly check in with our elderly neighbours to ensure they have sufficient fuel supplies, and that they can access the local shops for their food and medical supplies.
Community Alert.
As you are all aware there have been a number of break-ins and robberies in our area over the past few weeks. It is very important that we as members of the community become more aware and alert during our day to day movements, please write down any vehicle makes and reg numbers that you have concerns about and pass them on to the Gardai immediately .If you see any people behaving suspiciously please do as above and get in contact with the Gardai. As most robberies are carried out after a lot of reconnaissance of an area in the previous days or weeks, early action by you could prevent such an upsetting occurrence. Please keep an eye on elderly neighbors and their properties, stagger your visiting times so that no patterns can be identified. The same applies when leaving your own home, try and go to the shops, mass etc at different times and if possible do not have a regular pattern in other activities either. Keep Oil tanks, sheds, garages securely locked, check that your windows and doors are fitted with suitable locks and it is recommended that you get an alarm fitted as well as light sensors and security lighting. Please ring someone straight away if you have any concerns for your own wellbeing, remember help is only a few minutes away. Be alert.
Kids Disco.
Thanks to all who supported kid’s disco in Knockavilla hall last friday night.
Santas visit.
Santa will visit Knockavilla Church after 7.30pm Mass on Sat Dec 10th where he will turn on the Christmas lights on the tree. This will be followed by a magic show in the Community, Free entry to all kids in the Parish.
Walkie Talkies walking group;
For anyone interested in walking in a group, the revival of this walking group may be of interest. every Tuesday, this group will meet at 7.30pm sharp in the Coillte car park in Bishopswood to walk through the woods on a designated walk. All that is needed is a hi vis vest and a flashlight.
Badminton continues for the winter months in the Scout Centre Dundrumevery Monday and Thursday night until May. It’s a great way to have fun, meet new friends and keep fit at the same time. So come along on Monday and Thursday nights from 8pm. All are welcome.