
Kickham news

November 7, 2018

Lotto Results 11th October 2010
Jackpot 11,600
no’s drawn 5,7,13,21
no winner
2nd chance 1,000
no’s drawn 10,11,14,24
no winner
Next weeks Jackpot 11,800
Draw in berties Bar

Lucky Dips 3 x 50 euro
Edel Ralph, c/o Mary Ralph
Michael Dwyer, Ballinaclough
Paul Kennedy, Bishopswood
 10 x 20 euro
Seamus Quirke, Bishopswood
Deirdre Crowe, Gurtussa
Pauline Burke, Deerlodge
Cait McCormack, Westlawn
John Kendrick, cahir
Margaret Heffernan, Dundrum
Peter Kelly, Ponda Rosa
Theresa Moloney, Clonoulty
Evan Slattery, c/o A Slattery
B Ryan, c/o Centra
seller: Mick Butler

Crosco CupSem-final.
Our senior hurlers played Golden Kilfeacle in the semi-final of the Berties Bar Crosco Cup in Dundrum on Sunday last and were victorious on the day. See match report in the Nationalist. We now play Cashel King Cormacs in the Final which at time of writing was  fixed for Saturday next in Cashel at 4pm.

Timber sale
Kickhams GAA club will hold a  Firewood auction on Saturday the 27th of November in Pairc Ui Ciocaim Dundrum. We are asking landowners or anyone with access to firewood to donate same to the club. We are also willing to go to lands and cut up any firewood that is made available. Please contact any of the following as soon as possible Paudie Slattery 087-2214579, Tommy Hayes 087- 7934739, Kevin Farrell 087-6857564, Pat Mc Cormack 087- 7986234, David Shanahan 087-9626114.

Family day/Sale of work

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the club a fun family day is being organised for Sunday the 28th of November in Pairc Ui Ciocaim. Many events are planned for the day including  bouncy Castles, blitz, face painting, fancy dress, Puc fada, cross bar challenge to name but a few. There will also be a wheel of fortune and a cake sale so a great day will be had by all. All involved in the club are asked to come on board to make this a verynote a meeting of volunteers will be held in the club rooms on Tuesday night next the 19th of October at 8.15pm , All interested in helping out are asked  to please attend on the night or contact any of the above.
Exhibition of photographs/memorabilia

Also on the Family fun day it is proposed to have an exhibition of all club photographs and memorabilia from days of yore up to modern times. Any photos given in will be scanned and returned prior to the exhibition. It is not just team photos we require, any shots of individuals or groups attending GAA events or parish days will also be very welcome. It is important that photos etc are received as soon as possible. Please be assured that all photos,medals, etc will be returned in same condition as received. If you have any such items please contact  Sean Breen 087-2646441 , Tommy Hayes 087-7934739, Margaret Hayes 087-2775971, to arrange collection


We are in the process of updating our website  We hope to include up to date results & fixtures for all clubs teams as well as all other club activities. Why don’t you take a look and let us know what you think. Tell family & friends that may be away and would like to keep up to date with club happenings.
75th Anniversary sponsored cycle.

Anyone who wants to see some photos of the above can go to the following


Kickham GAA Juvenile club Notes.

Juvenile Bags.

The last few Juvenile bags are for sale for 25 euro. Contact Sean Breen if interested.

Kickham gear

Kickham togs and socks are available in all sizes from juvenile to adult and can be purchased from Sean Breen at 062-71131 / 087 -2646441 or
Paddy Fitzgerald @ 087-9370958.


Bingo in aid of the Niall Mellon fund will be held in Knockavilla Community Centre on Sunday  next the 17th of October at 3pm (note date change). Spot prizes on the day will include trailers of turf and firewood, vouchers, drinks, cosmetics, and much much more, don’t miss out check it out..

Donaskeigh Muintir Na Tire CC.

Congrats Maureen & Cast.

Donaskeigh Muintir Na Tire Community Council would like to congratulate Maureeen O’Dwyer and the Donaskeigh Drama Group on the success of their recent production ‘Funny Money’ which was held in the community hall. We would also like to sincerely thank them for donating all proceedings from the play to help defray costs in the ongoing restoration works and upkeep of the hall. Well done to all concerned.

Haven project.

We wish local man John O’Donovan a safe and fruitful journey with the Haven project to Haiti as part of  build week. He will leave in the coming week and we look forward to hearing of his work there on his return.

Dundrum Athletic Club

The club would like to thank all who supported our 50th anniversary celebrations in Dundrum House Hotel on Saturday nightlast. A great night was had by all and it was good to see so many of those  who were involved with the club many years ago present on the night. See full report plus photos on the athletics page of ‘The Nationalist’

Our Lady’s Sodality.

The monthly meeting of Our Lady’s Sodality will be held on Monday next the 18th of October. Mass in Knockavilla Church @7.30pm, all are welcome.

 Senior Social Club.
It is hoped  to start a Dundrum Seniors Club that would basically involve senior citizens  meeting once a week at the Old courthouse in Dundrum for a coffee/tea and scone, for a chat, cards, art etc, if you are interested or know a relative or friend who might be interested please contact Margaret on 087 6883884.

Knockavilla /Donaskeigh Youth Club.

Knockavilla/Donaskeigh Youth Club continues every Friday night in Knockavilla Community centre from 7 pm to 8.30pm. The first few weeks have been  great fun for all concerned. The club is open to 8-12 year olds attending  primary school.

Craft Food Fair.

Dundrum Craft group will hold their annual craft & food fair on Sunday October the 24th in the Scout Centre Dundrum from 1pm to 5pm. This years fair promises to be the most entertaining and wide ranging so far. Interest from exhibitors is very good. Some stalls are still available but early booking is essential. If interested ring Michael on 062-71187. All produce must be genuine Irish and produced by the exhibitors themselves. A child art competition will again feature as will the Hospice stall.