The Junior Championship has kicked off with 2 rounds completed. In the first game Kickhams travelled to the Ragg to play Drom. In a game that Kickhams were slow to take control of, it wasn’t until mid way in the second half that the girls upped their performance to emerge victorious on a scoreline of 3.04 to 0.06. Last weekend in Dundrum, Kildangan travelled to play the 2nd round, & in a better more cohesive performance, Kickhams claimed maximum points finishing 2.09 to 2.01. Round 3 of the championship will see the girls play Clonoulty in Clonoulty. This game is fixed for Clonoulty next weekend but at time of writing no date has been confirmed. The U16A championship also started last week with our team combined with New Inn playing Drom in the first round. Despite our girls starting brightly, Drom took control of the game & claimed full honours on a score line of 4.06 to 1.02.The next game for the combo is at home to Burgess next Tuesday 31st.
Jackpot 10,200
nos drawn 11,13,19,27
no winner
2nd chance 1,000
nos drawn 1,5,7,12
no winner
next week’s Jackpot 10,400
3 x 50 euro
M O’Hagan, Clonkelly
Josie Marnane, Dundrum
Mary Coen, Rossmore
Willie Ryan, Ballygriffin
Marie Butler, c/o Centra
Teresa Allison, Cashel
Charlie Sullivan, c/o Centra
F Grisewood, c/o Ponda
Mary Ryan(Matt), Hollyford
Jamie & Oliver O’Brien, c/o Noel O’Brien
Monicia Kennedy, Ardmayle
Celine Keating, Westlawn
Fiona Slattery, Gurtussa
seller:Marie Cummins
Our junior (A) hurlers were involved in a cracking must win game against Emly in the curtain raiser to the Senior West hurling final in Sean Treacy Park on Sunday last. Both sides served up some superb fare throughout the game with no quarter asked or given.There was not a puck of a ball between the sides over the 60 minutes so it was no surprise
therefore that the match finished in a draw which sadly resulted in our lads being knocked out of the competition. The final score was Kickhams 0-21 Emly 1-18. This was Emlys first team and our second , so the lads can be proud of their efforts on the day.
Thanks to all who supported our recent Golf Classic, it was a great success.
Knockavilla Donaskeigh Kickham GAA club extends its deepest sympathy to Paddy Ryan (H) of Ballinamona on the recent death of his brother Jimmy who lived in Rosegreen. We also extend our condolences to Jimmys wife Maureen and family on their sad loss. Ar Dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.
will be very sadly missed, yet fondly remembered by us all. May she rest in peace.
is this commitment to sustainable game stocks and conservation that puts gun clubs nationwide apart from those who will join nothing but will happily shoot everything. Landowners please note.

Kickham news
November 7, 2018
Lotto Results 23rd August
draw in Berties Bar
Lucky Dip winners
10 x 20 euro
Junior A
Golf Classic.
We also rember in our prayers Maire Carberry of Pubblehill who died on Wednesday last. We offer our heartfelt condolences to her partner Eddie McGrath, his extended family, Maires extended family, relatives, neighbours and friends on their sad loss. Maire along with Eddie was a valued member of our Kickham lotto committee over many years and she
Kickhams Camogie
Bag packing
Thanks to everyone who helped with our bag packing fundraising effort last weekend. Our next bag packing will take place in December in Tesco in Tipp town.
Shut the gate.
We would ask all visitors to the new cemetery in Knockavilla to please shut the gate when leaving . Thank you.
Dundrum Gun club News.
All present or intending members and Landowners are reminded that the current NARGC insurance scheme lapsed on the 31st of July and all Gun club memberships should be paid as soon as possible to ensure personal accident and third party insurance coverage for the coming year.Gardai in the relevant stations will be given a full list of members prior to the shooting season. For membership details etc Contact any club officer.
Game release programme.
As in past years Dundrum gun club have continued with their pheasant release programme in 2010. This year the club purchased 50 cock and 80 hen adult pheasants which were released onto the club preserves in March/April. A vermin control project is in place, game bird feed hoppers have been erected and more are planned for the coming winter. It
Claybird shooting.
Claybird shooting continues on the clubs shooting grounds at Ballymore on tonight Thursday from 7.00pm. This is open to all current members of the NARGC insurance scheme.