Lotto 4th Aug 2014
Jackpot 13,400
no's Drawn 1,2,10,21
no winner
2nd chance 1,000
no's drawn 2,4,22,25
no winner
Next weeks jackpot 13,400
Draw in Bertie's Bar
Lucky Dips 2 x 50 euro
Killian Loughman, Dundrum
Mick Colbert, Donaskeigh
5 x 30 euro
Stephen Buckley, Clonaspoe
Phil & Catherine, c/o P Ryan
Aine Hayes, Ballinahinch
Kara Holland, c/o M Butler
Sean slattery, Ballintemple
Seller: Sean Breen
We really appreciate your support of the Kickham Lotto and wish you the best of luck in our next draw. If you’re not currently playing, you can join at any time. Tickets @ 2euro can be purchased at all local shops or from the usual promoters. As the 2014 season is in full swing, please continue to support our club both on & off the field. Our lotto Jackpot is now 13,600e , and as the saying goes “If you’re not in , You can’t win”
Golf Classic
Kickham GAA is pleased to be associated with South Tipperary Hospice movement in hosting the first annual “Richie & Breda Horgan Memorial” golf classic in Co Tipperary Golf club on Thurs/Fri 14th/15th August 2014. In appreciation of the support of South Tipperary Hospice, The Horgan family are anxious to be associated with the efforts of this fundraiser. Your support would be greatly appreciated to make this inaugural golf classic a success.You can support this event in a number of ways,
· Team of four players 120 euro (inc refreshments at the 10th)
· Sponsor a Tee box 50 euro
Timesheet can be booked with Seamus O’Dwyer 087 4180474 or Brian Horgan 087 8597824
The Annual Moira Cahill Blitz will this year take place on August 16th next. It is the highlight in our Clubs year especially for our U10 team. As usual funds raised on the day are donated to the Hospice Movement. Last year we played host to 15 visiting teams and we hope to do likewise again. As a consequence we are seeking donations of cakes, buns, sandwiches
etc… We thank you in advance for your support and help.
On Tuesday of last week 35 of our girls from the U10 and U12 teams traveled to the Ballinora Club, Waterfall, Cork in a return fixture. A very successful outing as both of our teams took the honours on the occasion. We would like to thank Ballinora for their very kind and generous hospitality. We then took the girls to Fota Wildlife Park and subsequently onto Corbett Court where we all enjoyed a fine meal. It was a very enjoyable occasion mainly due to fantastic planning of those involved in organising the day and how well behaved our girls were. They are a credit to their families.