Lotto 23rd June 2014
Jackpot 12,200
no's Drawn 5,8,15,31
no winner
2nd chance 1,000
no's drawn 7,16,20,26
no winner
Next weeks jackpot 12,400
Draw in Bertie's Bar
Lucky Dips 2 x 50 euro
Christina Butler, Bishopswood
Celine Keating, Westlawn
5 x 30 euro
Helen Crowe, Cappawhite
Sadie Hayes, Lisloran
Pauline Burke, Deerlodge
Mary Morrissey, Ballintemple
Seller: Nigel Hayes
Junior football on sun in Golden @ 7.30 v Rosegreen
Summer garden party / family fun day
Saturday July 5th, we are holding a summer garden party / family fun day at Kieran & Kathleen Slattery's house. The day is a fundraiser for the Irish
cancer society. We will have a bouncy castle, face painting, magic show (compliments of Oliver Corbett) barbeque and other
mad cap stuff that we havnt yet thought of. Any voluntary donations given on the day will go completely towards the Irish
cancer society. So Mark the date in you diary,
The monthly meeting of Our Lady’s Sodality will be held on Monday next the 30th of June. Mass in Knockavilla Church @ 7.30pm,
all are welcome
More good results for our athletes started with Kevin Moore winning the Michael Cahill 5km road race in Ballingarry in a time
of 15;54,up with the pace the whole way,Kevin won by eight seconds at the finish. Martin Keane finished in a time of 17;47,
with John Mc Cormack next in a time of 18;15 just ahead of Michael Moore in a time of 18;17.Brendan Kinane was next in 19;42.
Our first lady home was Laura Armstrong in a time of 22;24,next was Miriam Mc Cormack in a time of 23;14.On Sunday in Cork
Willie O Dwyer won the Munster 800m over 40 in a great time of 2;06;95 with even splits of 63 secs .Also Michael ‘ Beirne
won gold in the Over/80 javelin and silver in the Over/80 weight for distance and then followed up with a bronze in the
shot and a bronze in the discus . Kevin Moore continued his great form when winning the Dave Fogarty four mile road race
in Thurles last Thursday evening in a time of 20;51.Michael Ryan was first o/35 in a time of 22;57.John Shanahan ran 23;06.
Michael Moore won the o/50 in a time of24;02.Ruaidhri Devitt ran 24;07.Dymphna Ryan was second lady in a time of 24;29.Laura
Armstrong ran a time of 28;44.Well done to all athletes; great running indeed.All our athletes are coming into fine form at
the moment and with only one week to go before our Coillte10km race in Dundrum on Wednesday the 2nd of July, some personal
best performances are being hoped for on the night. So if you’re not running please come out and give your support to our
local athletes. The races begin @ 8pm.
See you there.
Scoil Mhuire Notes
There was great excitement in Scoil Mhuire last Wednesday when the U13 Boys hurling team managed to pull off a great double
success in the Cumann na mBunscol County Finals this year by winning the final against Borrisaleigh Boys. Supported by a
large crowd of fellow pupils, teachers, parents, families and parishioners, the Knockavilla boys played their hearts out in
a very competitive match. Both teams played with great skill and enthusiasm resulting in a draw at full time. However, in
extra time our boys managed to take and maintain a lead. Congratulations to all involved especially Mr Moran, Joanne and
Mr Comerford who work so diligently training the pupils in hurling, camogie and football in school.
End-of-Year Mass
On Thursday evening last the school community celebrated the approaching end of the 2013-2014 school-year with a beautiful
mass in the parish church. Afterwards, in glorious sunshine the congregation enjoyed tea and chat in (and outside) the
adjoining community centre. The pupils took this opportunity to show some of their school work to their families and friends. Tributes were paid to the Sixth Class who will be moving on to second level school in September. Amid great jubilation School Principal Eleanor O Dwyer, together with the team trainers, presented the victorious U13 boys with their county medals .Thanks to the Parents’ Association for organising the teas. Thanks also to Marie and DJ Butler for supplying the drinks and crisps for the children on the night.
Sports Day
Sports Day went off with great aplomb in school last Thursday. We were blessed with beautiful weather. Well done Ms O
Donoghue, who once again organised a fantastic day of sport and fun. The ‘Red Sox’ ended up winners. There was some
controversy after the Teachers’ Race as there were allegations of cheating!! Thanks to John Ryan for the much-needed
delicious ice-cream. Thanks also to the ‘ice-cream ladies’ who managed to supply over 150 ice-creams without a riot.