Intermediate Football.
Our intermediate footballers have qualified for the West Semifinal after a good win over Golden Kilfeacle in New Inn on Thursday last on the score 2-12 to 1-7. See match report in Nationalist
sports pages.
U/21 (A) Hurling.
The U/21 hurlers were narrowly beaten by Arravale Rovers in this first round championship game which was played in Golden on Sunday last. The final score was Kickhams 0-15 Arravale 2-12.
See match report in Nationalist sports pages.
Co. Board Draw.
The September draw will take place in the Venue Dundrum House Hotel on Friday the 7th of September from 10pm.Prizes from the August Draw will be presented to the lucky winners on the night. We had three winners in that draw including second prize. The Tipperary GAA Co. Board draw is a major fundraiser for our club with 50% of all subs going back to the club. There are still 9
monthly draws left, so if you are interested in joining contact draw coordinator Paddy Hayes Garrane or any club officer for details.
Keep up to date with club happenings on our website
Also Facebook ‘Kickham GAA’ & ‘Kickham juvenile gaa’
U/8s & U/10s.
We sent one U/8 and two U/10 teams to play challenge matches in the Ragg on Friday night last. All performed very well on the night. Well done to all concerned.
Historical Walk.
Just a reminder to all about the family 4km fun walk tonight , Wednesday August 29th at 7.30pm. This walk will incorporate some historical information at various points on the route. We hope that families will turn out in large numbers, and maybe might find out something new about our area. An E5 donation per family will be accepted on the night, proceeds of which will go towards the
refurbishment of the Community Hall. Refreshments will be served in the hall afterwards. Participants are asked to wear hi vis jackets if available.
The committee would like to hear from the public, any ideas or activities they would like to be organised in the hall over the winter months, to cater for both adults and children. The Council would be only too happy to provide the hall for any such events or classes which may be required. Please contact any committee member with your suggestions.
Coffee Morning.
Dundrum Tidy Towns are holding a coffee morning on Saturday the 8th of September, from 11am to 1.30pm beside Bertie’s. There will be delicious baked goods for sale, refreshing tea and coffee and great chat; we hope you can drop by. Thank you all for your continued great support, from Dundrum tidy town’s volunteers.
Preparations are in train for this years craft fair which takes place on October the 28th. The usual high standards in relation to quality and native origin of the produce on show will be maintained. Some new innovations are expected. Details and application forms available from Michael Carew on 062-71187 .
Tipperary Women’s Mini Marathon!
Register now on for the 2012 Women’s Mini Marathon organised by North Tipp Sports Partnership and South Tipp Sports Partnership in Thurles on Sunday 30th Sept at 11am.
Registration price increases from August 31st and closing date for all entries is strictly Sept 24th 2012. For further information please contact Elaine Cullinan at NTSP at 067-43604 or or Valerie Connolly at STSP on 062-64737 .
A fundraising dance in aid of Our Lady’s Hospital Crumlin will be held in Cahir House Hotel on Tuesday the 4th of September. Doors open @ 7.30pm, dancing from 8pm sharp. MC on the night is Tipp FM’s Owen Lonergan. Amazing line up including, Lisa Mc Hugh, Louise Morrissey, Nathan Carter, Dave Lawlor, Damien Bowe, Benn Sisters, Shaun Loughrey, Crystal Swing, Davitt Showband,
Gary Gamble, Simon Peters, Vicky Kenny, Matt Leavy, Simon Casey, Paddy O’Brien, Gerry Guthrie, Johnny Brady, Nicky Keeley, Gloria, Thomas Fiona, Wee amigos, Brian Lawlor, Lorraine Mc Donald, Mad Cap’s, Backing band Ryan Turner. Special guest on the night is 2012 Pride of Tipperary Aoife O’Meara. Tickets @ 20 euro from The Hotel 052-7444000 , Philip Ryan Donohill 087-2067888 , Caroline Walshe 086-1969156 , or you can pay at the door on the night.Raffle on the night also. Please support this very worthy cause.