The under 14 girls captained by Rebecca Prunty played their first game of the season v Red Hugh’s on Saturday last in a challenge match. Playing with the wind in the first half the girls went into an early lead with some goals from Gabrielle Duffy. Red Hugh’s fought back in the second half and brought the game to within a point. Final Score: St. Mary’s: 5 12 Red Hugh’s 6 8 . In what was a very good team performance Ciara Mc Daid, Danielle Harkin, Sarah Allan and Caoimhe Browne were impressive. Panel: Rebecca Prunty, Katie Reid, Danielle Harkin Aileen Mc Gill, Niamh Woods, Jessica Mc Gill, Sarah Allan, Caoimhe Browne, Victoria Kelly, Gabrielle Duffy, Nicola Bonner, Erika Wilson, Aine Gallagher, Niamh Woods, Michaela Bonner, Emer Gibson, Courtney Mc Brearty, Ciara Mc Daid, Ciara Harper, Katie O’Donnell, Amy Boyd, Shannon Ponsonoby, Lauren Taylor, Arlene Bonner Training continues on Saturday mornings at 11am. The league commences on Thursday at 2.30pm with a home game v Red Hugh’s. Players are asked to meet at pitch at 150pm sharp. Supporters welcome The senior ladies played in challenge match v Lifford on Thursday last. The girls won the game in what proved to be a useful run out prior to the start of the season. Final score: St. Marys 1 9: Naomh Padraig 1 2. Good performances were had by Elaine Kelly, Mairead Browne, Caroline Black and Brid Duffy. Training continues on Wednesdays at 730pm Under 16 girls training is now moved to Monday evening at 6pm sharp. .
November 8, 2018