
Ladies Club Notes.

November 8, 2018

Our Junior girls victory social is this  Saturday night in Vienna Woods any one looking for last minute tickets please contact Bridget Forde 087 9802151 or Arlene O Callaghan on 086 4080522.Tickeys are priced at 25 euro each.

Our annual registration night is Friday night 26th February in the club rooms.U10s are 50 euro u12 –u18 are 60 euro and over 18  80 euro.All mentors must be registered for 28 euro with an option of full insurance for 53 euro.We would encourage parents to become members of the club for 10 euro. Any new players interested in joining our club are more than welcome come along on the night.


Our u16 girls are opening our playing season on Sunday  with their first league match v Midleton in Pynes at 12.30


We are still looking for parents to get involved with the u8 girls this year,any one interested contact Imelda our club secretary on 086 3011288.


The club are looking for one or two parents who would be interested in organising the annual Summer camp .The same faces have been organising it for the past ten years so its time some of the younger parents came forward this year..


The club shop has a number of items for sale club shorts are 15 euro per pair and socks are 7 euro a pair . Contact Betty on 086 1540902 or Kathleen on 086 3807784