The AGM was held on Friday night last in the clubrooms with an attendance of thirty three people. The minutes of last years agm were read first and then the outgoing secretary Catherine Mc Hugh gave a detailed report of the club activities for the year. It was a busy year for the club with teams in all ages both football &camogie from u8 to junior.
President Jane O Driscoill
Chairperson Ritchie O Regan
Vice Chairperson Ann Forde
Secretary Imelda Dorgan
Asst Secretary Emma O Keeffe
Treasurer Valerie Culloty
Astt treasurer Pat Culloty
Pro Betty Cahill
Register Rita Kelleher
Camogie Secretary Caroline Broderick
East Cork board delegates Ann Forde and Trish Kearney
County Board to be finalised
Juvenile camogie Catherine Parle
Adult camogie Ritchie Regan and Bridget Forde.
Trainers and selectors were appointed for all of the teams except the junior football which will be decided after this years competitions are completed and the u8 team where unfortunately there was no volunteers .It was interesting to note that this year we were able to field two u12 teams an u10 team and an u8 team and out of the 33 in attendance at the agm only eight of those parents had their oldest child in one of these three age groups All others in attendance were either training ,playing or a parent of a child from u14 upwards.
A reminder that we are holding a pamper night in Rathcormac Hall this Friday night 20th with a mull wine reception at 7.30 followed by an evening of entertainment with fashion from the arcade in Midleton and various health and fitness and beauty tips and light entertainment. A guaranteed great night for all the ladies .Tickets are priced at 10 euro and can be ordered from Betty on 086 1540902 and Valerie 086 3208047 and paid for on the night .
Congratulations to Annette Raher who was a member of The St Anne’s camogie team from Dunhill in Waterford who qualified for the All-Ireland junior camogie club final on Sunday last. Annette is a member of our junior football team.