Under 12 training
Under 12 football training will commence this Wednesday night 3rd February in Drangan hall from 7.30-8.30. As usual the girls will need to bring gum shields, water and 1euro to cover the cost of the hall. Your daughter needs to be a registered member of the club to play. The girls will take part in the league and in championship competition this year. Eamon Murphy, Tracey Carroll with the help of Trish Strappe (temporarily) will be the coaches for the girls this year. We would appreciate any help from parents this year with regard to washing jerseys. Thank you for your co-operation.
Dates for your diary: 2 fund raisers
Clothes Collection – spring cleaning is ahead of us all so where can we get rid of it all. On the 12 th March we will once again have a clothes collection in the clubrooms in Cloneen as a fund raiser for the ladies GAA club. So get filling those bags. More details to follow nearer the time.
On Monday (bank holiday) 28th March we will hold a 5km fun run from Cloneen around Garrankyle and back to Cloneen. Obviously more details of this will follow nearer to the time.