Ticketing Details: Hogan Stand (No Concession) – €35 Adult , Cusack/Davin Stand –€35 Adult/ €5 Juveniles Students & Senior Citizens (Cusack/Davin Stand Only):- €5 rebate on full price €35 euro tickets with appropriate I.D. at Block D, Cusack Stand Wheelchair Tickets: The Wheelchair and the Assistant's ticket is €35 Group Passes: Groups Passes are provided for groups of Juveniles: U-16 €3 each & 1 adult free with every 10. The cut off is Friday 15th April at 2pm. Forms can be downloaded from http://www.gaa.ie/tickets/the-gaa-group-pass/
Tickets are on general availability now and also on sale via the usual channels also. Please advise those who wish to attend to purchase their tickets now!