
Lorrha GAA News for 2 January

November 8, 2018

Adjourned AGM: The Adjourned AGM took place in the Clubhouse on Monday, 21 December last. Kevin Hough was elected Secretary while Ronan O’Meara was elected Assistant Secretary. Tadhg Nevin will assume the role of registrar along with that of Assistant Treasurer and all membership is to be paid to him.
Managers of the Juniors and U21 hurlers were left over until the New Year.
There was also a discussion over National Schools Coaching as well as the lack of numbers at juvenile level to make up teams in the coming years.

Dinner Dance: Lorrha GAA and Camogie Club will host a joint Dinner Dance in the Co. Arms Hotel, Birr on Saturday, 30 January. Medals will be presented on the night to the Co. Junior ‘A’ Camogie team, the Lorrha senior hurlers who won the division two hurling league as well as the Under 16 hurlers who won the North championship.

Coaching Course: A coaching course will take place in the Clubhouse on Monday, 11 and Wednesday 13 January from 7-10pm each night. This is a great course for anyone wishing to coach juvenile teams. All those interested in taking part are to contact Coaching Officer Ken Hogan.

Referees Course: Anyone interested in doing a referees course is to contact the club secretary asap.

Support Your Club: If you are a Vodafone customer you can now support the Lorrha club by signing up to Vodafone Support Your Club for free. At absolutely no cost to you 5% of your monthly bill or top up will go directly to the club. Club members and supporters also need to register at

Lotto: All lotto draws take place in the GAA Clubhouse on Monday night. The draw takes place at 10pm and all are welcome to attend. Thank you for your continued support.

Old Time Dancing: There will be no Old Time Dancing on Christmas night. Dancing resumes on New Years night to the music of Footloose. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.

Christmas Greetings: Lorrha GAA Club would like to wish all our members, players and supporters a Happy Christmas & and prosperous New Year.