Minor: Congratulationsto our Minor team who showed great guts and courage to score the last threepoints to win a superb North Final against Portroe in Borrisokane on Saturdayafternoon. In a see-saw game where the lead changed countless times, Lorrha emergedwinners at the end by 0-16 to 0-15. (See Match Report)
Well done to the team and mentors as wellas our supporters who helped us get over the line in the end. We hope to seeyou all again this Sunday when they take on Carrick Swan in the county semi-finalin Holycross at 12.30pm. Best of luck tothe players and mentors.
Cups to Schools: The Liam MacCarthy Cup, the Cross of Cashel Trophy and the MunsterUnder 21 Hurling and Football Cups came to Lorrha, Redwood and RathcabbinNational Schools last Friday. All three schools gave massive welcomes to ourown Patrick Maher and Ken Hogan, as well as to Brendan Maher and Brian O’Meara.
The cups were then brought to St. Kieran’sNursing Home at The Pike where the residents enjoyed the reception put on forthe players as well as visiting officials including County secretary Tim Floyd,North Chairman Michael Sheehy and North Games Promotion Officer, TadhgO’Connor. Thanks to the three schools and Matt John Gormally at St. Kieran’sfor making it a special day.
Party for Liam MacCarthy: The Cups stayed around the parish on Friday night for a great partyto congratulate Patrick Maher, Ciaran Haugh and Ken Hogan on their roles inbringing All Ireland glory to both Tipperary and the parish. Coupled with theminor success it turned out to be a great weekend.
U21: Becauseof the minors county semi-finals, the U21 ‘A’ semi-final against KilruaneMacDonagh’s has been deferred by at least a week but players are asked tocontinue their preparations for this big game.
U8: We havecome to the end of our Under 8’s Hurling and Football training for 2010 after abusy summer. We participated in many blitzes achieving great results and addingsome silverware to the trophy cabinet. Many thanks to Sean Mannion and all theparents and club players who helped out during the weekly training sessions andtournaments. Best of luck to the players moving on to the U10 grade.
Date for your Diary: This years AGM has been fixed for Saturday, 11 December. Finalaccounts will be put together in the coming weeks so all those with outstandingfinancial issues should contact treasurer Willie Harding as soon as possible.
Lotto: Our jackpot has reached a record high of €20,000. The jackpot cannotgo any higher so it will remain at €20,000 but the following jackpot has nowrisen to €4,050.
Thanks to everyone whois supporting our lotto, which is the clubs main source of fundraising. Withthe jackpot currently high, the number of players is growing by the week,particularly online on www.locallotto.iewhere it is easy to play every week. Tickets are €2 each or three for €5.
Old Time Dancing: Old Time Dancing continues on Friday night to the music of KevinWhyte. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.