
Lorrha GAA News for 21 January

November 8, 2018

Auction: will take place on Sunday 29th January in Moatfield at 2.00pm. Timber cutting is well underway and any help over the next two weeks would be appreciated.

Referees Wanted: Lorrha is one of four North Tipp clubs without an active referee and the club are seeking people to take part in a Referee's Course which will take place over four nights in January and February. If anyone is interested, application forms from secretary Michael Kennedy.

Coaching Course: Foundation Course being run in Lorrha GAA Complex on Monday's 6th & 13th February, contact Tom Kennedy on 087-9191689 to confirm your place.

Juvenile Medal Presentation: on Saturday 4th February at 7.00pm. All welcome to attend as the U14's will be presented with their North & County Championship medals on the night.

Membership: for 2017 is now due. €90 – Adult player; €50 – Minor/College student; €30 – Non-playing Adult (+€70 extra for gym membership); €20 – Juvenile (16 and under); €90 – Family (2 adults and 2 children, capped at €100 for three or more children).

Closing date for membership for all adult and juvenile players is the last day of February to be insured in training and games while the closing date for all membership is 31st March. It is important to remember that our total number of adult members by 31st March is the number the County Board will use towards our ticket allocations for Tipperary games so it is in your interest to have membership paid by then. Membership can be paid to club registrar Louise Mannion or can also be done online at Members can also log onto to get their new GAA Rewards card.

Lotto: Our jackpot is €3,600 with a Match 3 pot of €100. You can play online at

Social Dancing: on Friday night with the Kelly family. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.