Lotto: The numbers drawn this weekwere: 2 – 11 – 20 – 26. No Winner.
The Lucky Dips were: Evelyn Cleary, Phyllis Kennedy (TheLake), Aleesha Kamto, Mary Brady and Kevin Maher. The Promoters prizes went toKelly’s, James Dunne and Donie O’Meara.
Our jackpot nowstands at €7000. Thank you for your continued support.
The lotto is a vitalpart of our fundraising activity. You can also play our lotto online at where it is easy toplay every week. Tickets are €2 each or three for €5.
Medal Presentations: The club held a very successful medalpresentation night at the Clubhouse on Sunday evening last. The Liam MacCarthyCup and the Cross of Cashel Trophy were also present which attracted a big crowdand thanks to all for coming. All Ireland winning senior manager Liam Sheedypresented the minor hurlers with their medals while Patrick Maher and CiaranHaugh presented the medals to the U14 footballers. Presentations were also madeto Liam Sheedy, Patrick, Ciaran and Ken Hogan for their successes withTipperary last year. Christopher Guilfoyle (Tipp U17 & minor football),Philip Hogan (Tipp U16 hurling), Christopher Fogarty (North Tipp U15 hurling)and Brian Hogan (Tipp U14 hurling) were also recognised for their achievements.Minor hurling manager Hubert Hogan also received a presentation having manageda team to a North title for the fourth successive year.
Thanks to the FerryInn for supplying the finger food and to Willie Harding for having the Clubhouselooking so well.
The night affordedthe opportunity for all to have a look at our new facilities and the feedbackwas very positive with all very impressed by the new hall and dressing rooms.It is hope to have them fully open to teams some time in February.
Indoor Hurling: for Under 8’s will commence in Lorrha Hall onthis Friday, 4 February from 7 to 8pm.
Gaeltacht Scholarships: Application forms are available for a limited number of GaeltachtScholarships to 2nd level students in the county from the TipperaryCounty Board. Closing date forapplications is Friday February 11th and forms are availablefrom club secretary Kevin Hough.
Membership: Membership for 2011 is now due. €40 – AdultPlayers; €20 – Non Playing Adults; €15 – Minor/College Students and Juveniles(with match ticket entry); €10 – Juveniles (without match ticket entry).Closing date for membership is 31 March and people are urged to do so by thenas figures collected on this date will count towards our allocation ofTipperary tickets later in the year.
All membership is payable to club registrar Tadhg Nevin, Glenbower,Rathcabbin or you can pay online at www.myclubfinances.comand go to Lorrha-Dorrha GAA.
Coaching Courses: An Award 1 Coaching course for February 10th, 12th, 16thand 19th at a North Tipp venue has also been confirmed. Anyone interested in taking part shouldcontact coaching officer, Ken Hogan.
Tipp GAA Calendar: A spectacular 2011 GAA Calendar has beenproduced by the Friends of Tipperary Football with all Tipp teams in bothhurling and football over the past year featuring. The calendars are free whenyou purchase a membership of the Friends of Tipperary Football which costs just€20. You are also entered into a draw for a top cash prize of €2000. Thecalendars can be purchased from PRO, Shane Brophy (087-6989612).
Old Time Dancing: Old Time Dancing continues on Friday nightin our newly extended function room to the music of Brian McDermott. Dancing9.30pm to 12.30am.
Sympathy: Lorrha GAA would like to sympathise with the Dunne family, on the deathof Julia Bugler, Mullagh who died last week. May she rest in peace.