
Lorrha GAA News for 5 March

November 8, 2018

Membership: Membership for 2011 isnow due. €40 – Adult Players; €20 – Non Playing Adults; €15 – Minor/CollegeStudents and Juveniles (with match ticket entry); €10 – Juveniles (withoutmatch ticket entry). Closing date for membership is 31 March and people areurged to do so by then as figures collected on this date will count towards ourallocation of Tipperary tickets later in the year.

All membership is payable to club registrar TadhgNevin, Glenbower, Rathcabbin or you can pay online at and go toLorrha-Dorrha GAA.


Lotto: Our jackpot now stands at€7,750. Thank you for your continued support.

Thelotto is a vital part of our fundraising activity. You can also play our lottoonline at whereit is easy to play every week. Tickets are €2 each or three for €5.


Senior: The seniors were given awalkover by Portroe in last weekends Hogan Cup quarter final. Lorrha are now ina semi-final against Templederry in Moatfield on Sunday @ 4.30pm. 


U21 Football: The U21 footballers had aconvincing 4-12 to 1-3 win over Portroe in Moatfield on Sunday afternoon. Theyare now into the semi-final which will take place on Saturday, 12 March.


Minor: Training continues inMoatfield on Wednesday night @ 8pm sharp.


Under 14: Training continues onFriday evenings from 6 – 7pm.


Indoor Hurling: for Under 8’s continuesin Lorrha Hall on Friday evening from 7- 8pm. U10 & 12 training in LorrhaHall on Fridays from 6 – 7pm and on Tuesdays from 7.30 – 8.30pm.  


Well done: to Kevin Maher who wason the IT Tralee college team that won the Ryan Cup at the weekend. Also toDaniel Smith and Jamie Lewis who were on the Banagher Colleges team that wonthe Leinster Vocational Schools Senior ‘A’ title on Saturday.


Photo Gallery: Further to the ongoingdevelopment of the new clubhouse facilities, the committee are looking atsetting up of photo gallery of current and past Lorrha teams and Lorrha playerswho played with Tipperary over the years.

Weask that anyone who would have photos in their family photo albums relating toabove would wish to share with the club. The club will make a copy of yoursubmitted photo and return original to you.

Ifyou have any interesting photos no matter how old or new that you think may beof interest to the club please contact Rose Mannion or William Harding


Old Time Dancing: Old Time Dancingcontinues on Friday night in our newly extended function room to the music of Catherine& Images. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.