Many thanks to our members, guests and sponsors who helped to make the Gala Ball 2017 a huge success. Special thanks to The Grand Hotel for sponsoring the event for a third year. Thanks too to Nicky Byrne who did a fantastic job as host for the evening and Mick Dowling for his auctioneering prowess! Our appreciation too to sponsors Joe Duffy Motor Group, The Lightvault, Wereturnit, The Greenleaf Group and Peter & Ciaran O'Brien of Peter O'Brien & Sons Landscaping. We had a treasure trove of raffle prizes and auction items thanks to many supporters. The proceeds of the evening will all go to fund the 'Club For All Seasons 2020' Broomfield Development. Pics thanks to GAAPICS.
Many thanks to our members, guests and sponsors who helped to make the Gala Ball 2017 a huge success
November 7, 2018