

November 8, 2018

Ah, you can’t beat a good GAA meeting to spend a few hours talking about, well GAA!  This week ye are spolit with two such occurances to look forward to in the club pavillion.

Firstly, Pat Faulkner will be conducting the Juvenile AGM on Monday 3rd March at 8pm.  A full review of all aspects of the past juvenile season, both football and hurling will be discussed as will plans for the forthcoming season.  Of special importance will be the club’s involvement in this year’s Feile na nOg festival which will take place in July.
As if that wasn’t enough for ye lucky people, the monthly committee meeting will take place on Thursday 6th March at 9pm (NOTE CHANGE OF DAY).  Again, important matters to be discussed will include the start of the Senior and Junior season and the St. Patrick’s Day parade.
A good attendence at both meetings would be appreciated.