Membership for 2013 is now due and can be paid to Registrar Alan Ennis (0879321949) or any committee member.
All players, coaches and committee members are reminded that they must have their membership paid by 31st March 2013. This date is also important for everyone as it is the cut off date for members to be registered to vote at next years AGM and to nominate or be nominated for elected positions within the club.
Since 2011 we have offered the option to pay membership online and this has grown very steadily for us in 2012 with almost 20% of members paying in this manner.
As announced at the recent AGM the full membership rates for the year are as follows:
Family €80
Adult Player €75
Student (U23) Player €35
Youth Player (U18) €30
Cúl Redz €20
Non Playing Adult €20
Senior Citizen €5