The Club Executive received a presentation from Musco Lighting Europe in the Clubrooms on Thursday evenning 28th February on proposed new state of the art floodlighting proposals for our new Dublin Road pitch. A number of other presentations from floodlighting companies is planned over the comming weeks before a final decision is reached.
New Floodlights for Dublin Road Pitch
November 8, 2018
The next step will involve the planning process and if planning permission is secured it is hoped to proceed with the new floodlighting as agreed at the AGM.
However all of this will depend on our financial position and a number of fund raising ventures have already been planned, these include the Annual Golf Classic at Royal County Down on Friday 8th March, the Annual Music Festival in St Malachy’s Park 10th to 13th July and of course the Annual 600 Club Draw which will commence on Saturday 29th March.
All members and particularly playing members must support Club fundraising if we are to achieve our targets, and it is important that all members purchase a Draw ticket and also sell any tickets that you have been allocated. We need every members full support, and please don’t forget the weekly Club Lotto.