Lotto Results:
Numbers – 12 – 13 – 16 Jackpot not won.
Lucky dip winners
Mick Ruth
Annette McManus
Paul Radborn
On line Lucky dip Winner
Dave Kearney
Next jackpot €1200
Annual Club Subscriptions:
You can now pay by Credit or Laser Card on line just go to www. and click on the link – memberships
Annual subs are due to be paid before 28th Feb.
There has been no increase in subs this year and they can now be paid at reception, to your mentor or any committee member.
Our 2nd Annual Golf Classic
This year’s event will be held on Friday 14th May in Royal Tara Golf Club.
After the brilliant day last year we expect this year’s day out to be even bigger and better but the success of the event depends on those who take part.
Further information to follow but in the meantime you can get info from David Farrell @ 0851508665 or Mark O’Neill @0877782882.
As usual all proceeds goes to the running of the teams in the Club.
Team news
All teams are now back in full training and a number of friendly matches have been played with a great turn out from players. We hope to have enough players this year to field a third adult team in both hurling and football so all you players out there why not make a comeback and get fit again.
Senior Hurling and Football Training Times. Jan/Feb
Tuesday 26th Gym/Clubhouse 7pm
Thursday 28th Longmeadows 8pm
Sat 30th Longmeadows 2.30pm
Tuesday 2nd Gym/Clubhouse 7pm
Thursday 4th Longmeadows 8pm
Sat 6th Longmeadows 2.30pm
Thur 28th Sing-a-long with Bobby Smith
Fri 29th Anto & Smack the Monkey
Sat 30rd Uptown Band
Sun 31th Afternoon Balled Session with Paul Mackin
Sun 31th Crew.