

November 7, 2018

Lotto Rota
This years lotto rota is available on the website in the download section and also on the club notice board.

125 years celebrations
This year, Tullamore Gaa will celebrate our 125th anniversary. To mark the occasion we have a number of events planned including releasing a book at the end of the year – Tullamore Gaa 125 years of memories. We are asking you for your help. We would love for you to send in a photo of yourself, members of your family young or old and any relative living or deceased that have any association with Tullamore Gaa whether as an active participant or supporter presently, in the future or in years gone by. Also if anyone has any photograph of a particular moment in Tullamore GAA please send them in. We hope that this book will be for the people of Tullamore and written by the people of Tullamore. Please attach your contact details along with all relevant information of who is in the photograph. Photos can be posted to the office on Arden Road or emailed to before March 31st. We would like to thank you in advance and look forward to receiving your treasured photos and memories. All photos will be returned at the launch night.
Also if anyone has any old club memorabilia like old jerseys, trophys etc. please let us know.
Membership is now due and can be paid to Registrar Aiden Maloney (086-1672859) or can be given to any team official or committee member in a sealed envelope with name and form enclosed. Membership must be paid by 31st March 2013. This years membership rates: Senior Player €75, Minor Player €30, Student/Unemployed €50, Players 8yrs – 16yrs €25, OAP €10, Non playing member €30
Also remember you can pay your membership online – log onto our website
Bingo continues every Thursday at 8.30pm. For the next two Thursdays the jackpot will be €1,000
Presentation Night
2013 marks a very special year in our clubs history and to get the party started we are celebrating the success of our Minor and Junior B footballers and launching our 125th anniversary celebrations at our Club Presentation Night on Saturday 9th February in Tullamore Court Hotel. Tickets are selling well and we will have ticket sale nights as follows – Tuesday 29th January 7.30-8pm and Friday 1st February 8-9pm in the committee room. Alternatively please contact Paul Conlon 087-2413893 or Aoife Marron 086-1023456. This year will hopefully mark a year full of success on and off the playing fields with many celebrations so lets start it on a high. All support welcome as this will be a great club night. Can all Junior B and Minor Footballers who have not collected their ticket please do so on these nights.
Coach Training
Offaly Coaching & Games have adopted a new approach to coach education and are offering a coaching programme to all coaches. We encourage all mentors, helpers, club members, parents and anyone interested in helping out this coming year to do the coaching course. This course will be very beneficial to all. Anyone interested, please contact Fergal or Aoife to register for the course. We would encourage any parent who wishes to get involved to take part in the course. The course will be run over 4 sessions as follows:                                                                                                                                           
 Football: Wednesday 6th February, Tuesday 26th February, Tuesday 19th March and Wednesday 10th April                                                                               
Hurling: Monday 28th January, Monday 18th February, Monday 11th March and Tuesday 2nd April