Golden Kilfeacle Parish Newsletter
Mass Readers
Sat 23rd Fiona Ryan
Sun 24th 10a.m. Maureen Hally
Sun 24th 8p.m. Alice Carroll
Mon 25th Norrie O’Sullivan
Sat 30th Emily O’Dwyer
Sun 31st Nicole McLoughlin
Sat 23rd Gus Scott
Sun 24th 11a.m. Helen Ryan ‘P’
Sun 24th 6.30 p.m. Emma Fanning
Mon 25th Maura Stapleton
Sat 30th Martina O’Keeffe,
Sun 31st Mary Quinlan
Golden €710
Kilfeacle €380
Anniversary Masses Offered
23rd Dec. Eileen O’Donnell, Athassel Abbey.
24th Dec. Eamonn Magee, Mantlehill.
30th Dec. William Maher, Athassel Abbey.
23rd Dec. Joanne Morrissey, Cashel
30th Dec. Wm & Maisie O’Brien, Ballymacady.
Chalice Programme
Dec 24th Jacinta & James Coman & family
Dec 31st Alma Quirke
Dec 24th Michael & Mary Stapleton
Dec 31st Arthur Landers
Jan 7th Eugene & Maureen Spellman
Jan 14th Tommy & Mary Browne
Jan 21st Ber Toohey
Jan 28th Kay Ryan
Feb 4th Tess Fitzgerald
Feb 11th Margaret Ryan
Feb 18th Kitty Byrnes
Feb 25th Pauline O’Sullivan.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve – Sunday 24th:
Golden 6.30 p.m. Kilfeacle 8 p.m
Christmas Day – Monday 25th
Kilfeacle 10 a.m. Golden 11 a.m.
*There will be no weekday Mass in Golden and
Kilfeacle this coming week.
Thomastown N.S. will hold a Bring & Buy sale in January 2007.
All donations of unwanted gifts and bric a brac welcome.
Parish Lotto Results
Numbers Drawn Tues. Dec 19th
€8,400 (12, 14, 18, 20 ) No Winner
Second Chance Draw
€1,000: ( 1, 7, 12, 14 ) No Winner
Lucky Dips:
€50 Breda Hume, Mantlehill,
€20 Ann Synott, Dunshaughlin,
€20 Pakie Fitzgerald, Marlhill,
€20 Stephen Lonergan, Golden,
€20 Anne O’Brien, Rathclogheen
Sellers Prize:
€50 Margaret Tuohy
€20 Sheila Fogarty
€100 Nellie O’Connor
€20 Jim O’Connell
€20 Con Cash.
In House Prize:
€30 Dawn Bargary,
€30 Tom O’Donnell.
Extra Draws of €25 Each:
John Cleary c/o Ailbe Bargary,
Margeurite & Fiona c/o Our Ladys Hospital Cashel,
Trevor McInerney, Thomastown,
Triona Colohan, Golden,
Darren Byrnes, Cloughaleigh,
Josie Blake, Cloughaleigh,
Matt Corcoran, Farnamanagh,
Catriona Lonergan c/o Dairygold New Inn.
Next Lotto: January 2nd 2007 – €8,700
Venue: Cornerstone Bar, Golden @ 10 p.m.
The Juvenile G.A.A. AGM was held last week. All officers remain the same as last year.
The Secretary, Tom O’Donnell reported on a very good year for the club.
The Senior AGM was also held last week and the same officers were returned.
Thanks to all players, supporters and mentors and here’s to a successful 2007 at both Senior and Juvenile level.
There will be no Lotto draw on Tuesday 26th December.
The Lotto Committee would like to wish all its supporters and sellers a very Happy Christmas.
Thanks for all the support in 2006.
School Pageant
Thomastown National School held their annual school pageant in Kilfeacle Church last Tuesday night.
Many thanks to all involved especially Marjorie Crowe and Pat Marnane for the beautiful music,
Siobhan & Norrie O’Sullivan who kindly donated decorations for the church,
Alice Carroll for her artistic contributions, pupils, parents, school staff & teachers alike.
It was a wonderful community effort and the children excelled themselves with their performance.
The Newsletter Ladies would like to wish all our readers and contributors a very Happy Christmas and New Year.