Official Opening of New Clubhouse Facilities
On Saturday 20th December we had the official opening and blessing of the new clubhouse and dressing room facilities at Pairc Mhaigh Cuilinn. There were four elements to the ceremony:
Sergent Liam De h óra (retired) unveiled the map of Mhaigh Cuilinn which he drew in 1966. The map was used in the barracks in Maigh Cuillin from 1966 until 2013 when the Gardai Siochana kindly donated it to Coiste Pairce Mhaigh Cuilinn. A copy of the map is now located in the Garda barracks in Maigh Cuilinn and copies have also been donated to all of the national schools in Mhaigh Cuilinn. Sgt De h óra who was accompanied by his wife, sons and daughter in Law Judy Hoare nee Clancy is 93 years of age and gave a lovely speech “as gaeilge” covering the two periods when he was stationed in Maigh Cuilinn
The official opening was conducted by Lal Conneely who is a Trustee of the pitch and contributed hugely to the development in every possible sense. He and his wife Mary generously donated the very comfortable chairs we now use in the club house. Lal was supported in the cutting of the ribbon by Jimmy Red Donoghue representing the wide variety of trades people who gave their time and expertise voluntarily to the project, and Liam Hynes who represented the huge number of people who provided interest free loans and financial support for the project.
Fr Michael McLoughlin performed a blessing of the clubhouse and all attendees at the event.
Finally Shelia McDonagh nee Croke cut the celebratory cake which was decorated in the colours of Mhaigh Cuilinn. Sheila and her sister in Law Mary Croke represented a link back to the opening of the original pitch and all subsequent developments which they attended as supporters and players on the local Camogie Team.
Martin Clancy did a great job as MC for the day letting us all in on the guilty secret of his first viewing of the map in the Garda barracks. Suffice it to say Martin now has a fully up to date TV licence at all times. Sean G Clancy represented Coiste Pairc Mhaigh Cuilinn with and interesting and enjoyable history of the development. True to his nature of always looking forward he gave the audience a glimpse of what the next stage of development in Pairc Mhaigh Cuilinn will look like.
Afterwards everybody enjoyed tea and refreshments provided by Gearldine Clancy, Maura Hynes, Ailish Hynes, Margaret Hynes and Caoimh Davoren among others. Thanks to everybody who participated in a lovely event and in particular to Sean Gibbons and David Cox for letting everybody know about the event, Noel Daly and Tim Bohan for helping in the organising, and finally as always to Mairead Kelly for recording the event on camera for future generations.