Tomas McCormack on behalf of the St. Patrick’s Gaa Lotto committee presents Carrie O’Donovan treasurer of the Drangan Community centre with a donation from the St. Patrick’s club Lotto. 2012 was a milestone year for the community centre in Drangan with the construction of the new sports hall. When the St. Patrick’s club started their lotto last year a commitment was given to return a percentage of their profit on an annual basis to the community in recognition of the support it’s lotto receives from the wider community. It was felt that the best way to do this would be to make a financial donation to the two local community centres in Drangan and Cloneen as the local halls are available and used by everyone in the parish. The St. Patrick’s Gaa club is delighted to be in a position to be able to make these donations to the community centres. We would sincerely like to thank everyone who plays our lotto as it is ‘you’ who makes this donation possible.

Presentation of Donation to Drangan Community Centre.
November 7, 2018