The Club will hold a Table Quiz on Friday 26th February at 9.30pm, in the Happy Landing, Coolaney. All support welcome.
Club Lotto tickets are now on sale and are available from all club officers. This is the club's main fundraiser for the year and your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Circuit training for U.14 and U.16 players takes place every Monday and Friday evening from 7pm to 8pm, in St.Nathy's Hall.
Peile for the U.12 players takes place every Friday from 7pm to 8pm in Buninnadden Community Centre.
Training for New Referees takes place on the 20th and 27th February at 8pm, in Teach Laighne , Tubbercurry.
Player Registration will be held on Saturday 12th March in Coolaney Community Centre from 9.45am to 11am and in St.Nathy's Hall from 10.45am to 12 noon. A 5 euro nominal fee applies ( max 20 euro per family ). All youths ( U.18 ) Must be accompanied by a guardian. This is to ensure that everyone is properly insured and that players, coaches and the club are protected in all eventualities.
Training for U.8 players continues every Saturday morning in St. Nathy's Hall and Coolaney Community Centre.
Well done to St Attracta's senior team and all the club players on qualifying for the Senior A Final at the weekend. They will take on Summerhill college in the final on the 5th March.