Athlone Town FC will hold a public meeting in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Monday 15th December at 8pm to outline the precarious financial position the club know finds itself in.
The club have laibilities in the region of €300,000 and due to the recent economic downturn and the drop in sponsorship available for next season can no longer fund the cost of the debt and the running the club on a weekly basis in the league without significant financial support on an ongoing basis. The club also requires people to help the various committes to ensure that the club is run efficiently and effectivley.
The committee have examined numerous fundraising channels over the last few months without success and are now appealing to the people of Athlone and the midlands to attend this meeting to help ensure that the club remains in League of Ireland football and to provide a forum to exchange ideas as to how to move the club forwrd from this point.
Unfortunately, if this initiative is not supported or this forum cannot put in place a realistic plan, the club will have no choice but to drop out of League of Ireland football for the foreseeable future as we will not be able to meet the terms of FAI Licensing with regards to tax clearance and going concern.
It is your club. Help keep senior soccer in the town by attending this meeting and supporting any initiatives forthcoming.