
ROCK CELTIC FC Newsletter - Issue 2: 9 October 2012

November 7, 2018

Week end results
Another great weekend of results from our underage teams with the Rock Celtic and Rockville U10 team’s both winning their respective league games against Redeemer and Bellurgan Celtic. Rock Celtic U11s, U12’s, U13’s and U15’s also won their games, while our U14’s were narrowly beaten in their game against Quay. Match Reports from the game s are up on the Club website –

Relay for Life charity
Thanks again to everyone (in particular our Oldies squad) who contributed towards the collection on Friday evening last for Relay for Life. The Club raised €200 for this very worthy cause.
Afternoon Tea in aid of Keith Maguire
An “Afternoon Tea” has been organised by the Blackrock community on Sunday 21 October in aid of Keith Maguire (who is having a bone marrow transplant in the next few weeks). The event will be held from 4-6pm in the Blackrock Community Centre. Tickets are €5 for adults, €2 for children and can be purchased from Catriona McCarthy (086 8406928) Shirley Durkin (086 8100509) or from either of the two local schools. If anyone would like to bake, make sandwiches, donate a spot prize or just help out on the day please contact Catriona or Shirley at the above number.
Keith would have played with the current U13 Rockville team prior to his illness. Keith’s younger brother Sean and Dad Kevin play with our Rock Celtic U11 team and Oldies crew respectively.
Details available at and
Club lotto
Thanks to those of you who are now supporting the Club by playing our weekly fundraising lotto (now available to play online by simply clicking the panel across and registering). Don’t forget to select your nominated team from the drop down menu so that the team benefits from the 15% allocation towards training gear and/or trips.

Numbers drawn for Week 96 (10th October 2012) : 16,19,21,25.
No Jackpot Winner(s).
Match Three Numbers Winner(s) : Cyril Calif – c/o Ann Ward (Receives €150)
Next Draw Date: 17/10/2012. Next weeks Jackpot: €12,000.

Tony Kieran Butchers – Proud Sponsors of Rock Celtic U9s

Tony Kieran Butchers-Proud Sponsors Rock Celtic U9s