Pitch Maintenance An exceptional spend has arisen within the club to complete essential maintenance on the pitches which must be completed in the next 6 weeks. In order to fund this exceptional expence the Executive has decided to seek a minimum of €5 per Membership. All club members are invited to support this essential repair work . Payment can be made to any member of the club Executive or left behind the bar in an envelope marked Pitch Fund and your Name.
Thank you for your support.
Code of Ethics The Club is currently updating its Code of Ethics and has set up a committee to do so. If you have any suggestions as to what might need to be included please send it to the Club P.R.O. at sashproshea@gmail.com. Before Friday 1st November Thank you.
Congratulations Well done to Niamh Carey, Aisleigh Ward, Sara Holden, Gemma Hartnett all of whom will be taking part in the Dermot Early Youth Leadership Initiative Course. There were 15 young people selected from Kildare.
Pool Tournament The Pool Tournament kicks off again on Thursday nights at 8.30, all are welcome.
Function Rooms There are 3 Function Rooms available in the club which can cater for big and small Functions, Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays, Funerals, etc. Enquiries to Celene (087/7934780) Christy (087/9249884)
Skills Academy The Dermot Earley Skills Academy is holding a fancy dress for all the kids this Sat Morning from 11.30. There will be no training this week, instead there will be a disco and lots of different prizes. Looking forward to seeing all our members there.
The Club Shop The shop is open every Saturday morning. It is well stocked out with all types of gear both casual and Training. Gum Shields are now available priced at €6.
Club Lotto The club would like to thank all those who support the lotto and would like to encourage all its members to participate in the weekly Lotto draw. This can now be done by going on to the Sarsfields web site and clicking on the (play lotto now) link, then follow the step by step instructions.
Lotto results for Monday 21st Oct 2013. Numbers drawn: 15, 22, 27, 29, No Jackpot winner, Jackpot €12,000: €100; John Malone c/o Billy McDonnell, €40 each; Deliha O’Neill, John Fox c/o S. Wilson, Mary O’Reilly, €25; Maureen O’Callaghan. €25 Meal Voucher which was kindly donated by Silken Thomas was won by George Irwin.